Accounting & Payroll

Accounting, Financial and Management Reporting Services & Payroll

At Littlewood and Associates, we have come to learn by supporting hundreds of owners of closely held businesses, that the best accounting, financial, and management reporting information is that which is prepared in a timely and accurate manner, in a way that our client-owners can understand and make use of in making effective decisions concerning the management, growth, and profitability of their business.

Such information helps our clients determine what areas of their business are profitable and which are not, which are priced appropriately and make a gross profit contribution, and what prices need to be reconsidered. Each year, we prepare a projection, and that projection is updated monthly so that you have information as to your estimated tax payments, your wages and retirement plan contributions, the timing and level of salary for your new hires, and other major business management and spending decisions.

We also want to be sure that you can turn away from the processes of preparing these needed and timely reports, to focus on implementing the changes that these reports suggest and running your business.

At Littlewood and Associates, we have trained, experienced, degreed, and licensed accounting and tax professionals to make sure that your reports and your payroll are all processed timely, and presented to you in a manner that you will understand and make good use of in managing the profitable growth of your successful business.